

We are always looking for new group members with passion, talent and grit!

Open positions

  • Postdoc and Project Assistant positions

If you are interested in working with us as a Postdoc or Project Assistant, please send an email to Prof. Ajay Kumar. State briefly why you are interested in this position and attach a CV. We take project assistants if we get exceptional applicants (this usually means good grades or research experience and a personal recommendation).

  • Bachelor or Master projects for IIT Tirupati students

If you are a Bachelor or a Master student at IIT Tirupati and looking for thesis project, contact Prof. Ajay Kumar or any group member per email or stop by the office or lab.

  • Master and PhD students from elsewhere

If you are interested in pursuing a Master’s or PhD degree at Indian Institute Technology Tirupati, see IIT Tirupati Admission (link: