About Us

Science & Engineering of Advanced Metallic Materials

Advanced Materials Manufacturing and Tribology Research Laboratory - IIT Tirupati

Research at the Advanced Materials Manufacturing and Tribology Lab addresses the science and engineering of advanced metallic materials with particular focus on advanced materials including composites, microcellular metals and high-performance alloys. 

Our activities and interests are in various aspects of materials processing, properties and characterization. Our research programs aim at constructing a quantitative and predictive understanding of the phenomena underlying the materials development for industrial applications by employing a variety of experimental and computational tools to establish process-structure-property relationships in materials.

High Throughput Methods in Materials Discovery and Development

High Throughput Methods in Materials Discovery and Development use automation, data analytics, and machine learning to accelerate the discovery of new materials with desired properties for various applications.

Materials Data Sciences and Informatics

Materials Data Sciences and Informatics uses data science and informatics techniques to improve the efficiency and accuracy of materials research and accelerate the discovery of new materials with desired properties for various applications.

Experimental Techniques

Experimental techniques in advanced material manufacturing and tribology are methods and tools used to study material behavior and properties under different conditions, with the goal of improving understanding and developing new materials for various applications.

The focus of the Advanced Materials Manufacturing and Tribology Lab is to develop new nano-structured materials, alloys, composites and materials for electronic packaging for various engineering applications. We apply advanced characterization techniques such as electron microscopy to analyze local structural and chemical changes occurring in alloys during their synthesis and processing down to the atomic-scale. Our ultimate goal is to understand the complex structure-property relationships of metallic materials in order to tailor and optimise their properties and design new high-performance alloys/composites. Another focus is on prototype manufacturing in low-cost, high-performance and compatible with industry needs; transfer knowledge to industry; and produce world-class engineers by educating students.“Making the makers of the new world of manufacturing”

The globalization of many skills, especially in manufacturing-related areas, is transforming our economy to one where many soft skills that are hard to measure are also becoming increasingly important such as creativity, communication, grit, resourcefulness, integrity, sincerity, adaptability, team spirit, confidence and mindset. The emerging competitive nature of the new economy needs blending of soft and hard skills — new human capital for innovation in design and manufacturing technology. 

All students who are highly motivated and interested in cutting-edge materials research, using state-of-the-art techniques, are most welcome to apply for a position at the AM²T lab.


Experimental Techniques


Research Scholars


Researches Published


Awards Won


  • Connect academia, industry, and government
  • Understand industrially relevant processing-microstructure-property-performance relationships using state-of-the-art experimentation and modeling and close the gap between materials innovation and manufacturability
  • Train students in the area of Metal Casting, Metal Forming and Tribology


  • Develop structure-property-processing relationships in metals, ceramics, intermetallics, composites; material deformation and fabrication processes
  • Use of experimental and modeling methods to examine the effect of material processing history and microstructure on mechanical properties and performance
  • Large scale material processing methods to assess the manufacturability

Our passion is endless pursuit of fundamental materials understanding and solutions to the most challenging materials problems. We rely on the confluent intelligence and hard work from all our group members to deliver high quality research, training, and outreach results.

Research Interests

  • Material selection, design, processing, and fundamental understanding
  • Material synthesis, processing, and fundamental studies
  • Metal matrix composites, hybrids, functionally/structurally graded materials, porous materials
  • Polymer derived ceramics, shape memory materials and composites
  • Machine learning and simulation in materials processing
  • Coatings/Claddings
  • Sustainable production systems